
Saturday, October 26, 2024

London - Day 2

I refuse to pay 20p to pee...and so we found a London gem. 

Royal College of Music, London

Intending to have a "light day" since yesterday's travel we set off for Kensington Palace. We decided the half hour walk was going to be better than waiting for the Tube. Actually, I think walking is the way to go to see any place more intimately. It was such a delight to walk through the suburbs. We came across a church and wandered in...and a cat meandered past.

Our tour through Kensington Palace was beautiful.

I really enjoyed the Queen Victoria exhibition

Princess Victoria's doll house.

In the oldest part of Kensington Palace - The Queens rooms.

We ate lunch in the shade of St Mary Abbots church, so a wander through was called for. The picture doesn't do it justice. The artwork behind the communion table is a beautiful mosaic with gold tiles.

After lunch we walked nearly a kilometre through Kensington Gardens to find a nearby public toilet, only to find that it was going to be 20p, and you can't pay in cash. I just can't spend money on that, my family will understand! So we walked on to the Albert Memorial, wandered past the Royal Albert Hall, where we saw the Ghost Busters setting up for their performance tonight (surely Prince Albert would not be impressed?!) and behold...the Royal College of Music. Surely this was the place for a toilet, which it is, but more than that the Royal College of Music has a museum, which was for a very competitive price: free!

Today's Squirrel count: 16...too cute!

The Albert Memorial...a testament of
one wife's love for her husband.

Who you gonna call?

For the piano players among us...

For the organ lovers among us...

For our guitar playing friends...
you know who you are.

And after all that we walked 25 minutes back to the flat...and climbed 6 flights of stairs. I did say I wanted a walking holiday.

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