This morning was slow and relaxed. With an interesting conversation with a physicist at breakfast about was good to see how Christian managed to draw him out to talk about his special interest.
We checked out the Pitt River museum.
This museum tends to group things with their like kind, no matter where it's from. So all the flute like instruments were all grouped together. I didn't know there were so many cultures that had a bagpipe!
Recorders, or flutes as they are called, from every age and multiple people groups. |
What to say here? There was a focus on colonialism and or coloniality. It refers to our looking at the world through the eye's of "west is best", or our culture is the best culture and therefore we should rule the other cultures.
I personally do not understand this way of looking at the world. This is not something I have been taught. This is not something I have encouraged in anyone. Each culture has a gift to give us, our task is to find that. Each person we meet has something that can teach us, our job is to find it. I know very few people who behave in a way that says they think their culture is better than others.
Some armour of different varieties. |
Then of course observing their misuse of this. Making assumptions that because a woman is called by her married name, her name is not recognised. Making the assumption that the term "lady" is belittling. This is similar to the assumption made that a woman wearing niqab is having her existence denied. On the contrary, perhaps she doesn't want to be known by strangers, perhaps muslims have a different way of thinking about the body than we do. And there is much more that could be said about the current way of western women wearing sports wear as day wear, allowing her body to be seen by everyone (although she would likely be upset if someone commented on her body or ogled, except to say that she looked good).
Outside the Natural history museum in Oxford |
The architecture here was gorgeous! |
We started having a bit of fun in the Natural history Museum, which is attached to the Pitt Rivers museum |
The Nantan iron meteorite |
Not quite sure why you have to touch carefully...a stone that has managed to survive all that!? |
A highlight was having a cup of tea and a pint at The Lamb and Flag (a Christian reference). We sat in the room that had pictures of Tolkien and Lewis. This pub is just opposite the famous Eagle and Child pub that the Inklings used to meet at. But on days when the Eagle and Child was too full or they wanted a change, they went across the road to The Lamb and Flag. The Inklings was an informal literary group that Tolkien and Lewis and others were a part of. They would read their stories to each other, read poetry together, and discuss life, over a meal or a pint.
Found a unique little Christmas market. |
Tolkien's church |
Tolkien's church...the with Nave (the front around the altar) having dozens and dozens of statues of saints, and angels above that. It really would be like having communion with all the saints from all time. |
The room we sat in at the Lamb and Flag |
On our way to the airport we took a diversion to drive past Windsor Castle. The royal standard was flying, so perhaps the king was in residence. It is a massive castle, with such a lovely, quaint town, with narrow streets, at the base of the hill.
Windsor Castle |
Windsor Castle |
There was a bit of an adventure this evening. I had been waiting for the check in email from Etihad, and getting more and more concerned that it hadn't arrived. Eventually, I went online and discovered that this was a very full flight, and we could not get seats next to each other. To be true, I panicked. I don't know, is this where "creative anxiety" comes into play? One thinks up all the possible things that could go wrong, instead of working out ways that the problem could be solved.
In the end, we were able to ask the people in our row to move so that we could be across the aisle from each other. Then I noticed that Christian had a spare seat next to him. We waited. And we waited. No one came! So I asked if we could move seats as the plane began to move so that it could taxi. We were indeed sat together, all that "creative anxiety" was for naught! God be praised, an answer to prayer for us.
As I write this, we are sitting in Abu Dhabi preparing to board our plane for Australia. We can't wait to see our children tomorrow night at the Albury train station. It's been the longest time away from our children we have ever had, but they have managed beautifully with my parents. We are so grateful for this opportunity to see the world in a way we had never thought possible. We are so grateful to God for His protection over our children, my parents and us, as we have had various adventures apart. Can't wait to see you my darling children, and sleep in my own quiet bed...and get started on my garden plans. More trees! More hedges!